February 19, 2025 is a Make an A Day.

Students complete work for all classes. Core 1, 2, 3, 4 and Encore 1 and 2.

Teachers will post work in Google Classroom. The HMS NTI page link is below.

Non-Traditional Instruction

What is short-term NTI?

Short-term NTI is asynchronous (self-paced, not live) instruction provided by the teacher. Staff is available for live support. 

What are students expected to do? 

Students are expected to complete the work that is assigned by their teacher according to the day's schedule. Teachers will be available to support, answer questions, or clarify anything students need. Students should login to Google Classroom.


On NTI days, student participation is logged according to tasks completed and/or efforts to collaborate with the teacher. This may include submission of work, time spent on assignments or participation in office hours.


We will provide updates through School Messenger, the school website and/or Twitter (X). Teachers will also communicate via email and/or Google Classroom. Reach out to your child's teacher for help with NTI. All staff will check school email from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.