School Partners
School partners can purchase JCPSeSchool courses for students to use. Slots can be used for initial credit, credit recovery, or remediation. We have two purchasing options.
Option 1
The courses can be purchased individually at $125 for each 1/2 credit. Students receive up to 120 days to complete the course.
Option 2
Schools can purchase slots for a specific number of students to use at any time. The most cost-effective way to purchase courses is usually the slot option. Slots are 50 cents a day per slot. School districts can decide when slots begin and end. Slots can be purchased for the school year or calendar year and at any time during the year. Many partners use the courses over the summer for credit recovery. Partners are provided with an online portal to manage their slots. When a slot opens up due to completion or withdrawal, the slot can be reused for the same student or another student.
Please contact Amber Merrifield 502 485-7810 or Email Amber Merrifield for more information on partnering with JCPSeSchool.