Logo Design

My first step was deciding what logo I wanted to create. Then I realized my mom
never really had a logo. I chose my mom's side business. To make her a logo for years to come. Then I started creating my logo, First I added the words Periwinkle Place because that's what my mom's business is called. Next I found a cute mannequin. Then duplicated it and at first I had them on the sides of Periwinkle Place then decided to cross them. (It looked a lot better). I still thought it needed more so I found confetti in the element section in Canva. After that I asked my Library teacher what she thought
and she suggested that I center it and changed the font it made it so much better, and then I wrote the process.

I made my logo a guitar shop because I love music and I play guitar. I went to elements in Canva and found the graphic I liked and it
was a guitar. then i it put in my logo and when I was searching for the guitar I found another one that looked like it was lighting up and it was a outline of a guitar so I put it around the guitar. Next I thought I could put
the guitar in a pick because I always use a pick to play guitar. When I thought of a guitar I thought of a pick and next since the guitar was red I made the background red. Next I inserted some text and found a cool font. Finally I made the text circular to go around the pick.