School Programs
At Dixie we believe in developing our students in many ways. We offer many programs that help our students develop their academics and talents. We also believe in providing our students with mentors to provide real world connections and supports.
Advance Program
Academically gifted students present a challenge to their teachers and schools. Stimulating talented young people to stretch their abilities requires schools to be creative in providing a range of educational opportunities that promote excellence for each child. In the Jefferson County Public Schools, the Advance Program has long met the needs of academically talented students. However, with the passage of KERA and the amendment of 704 KAR 3:285, our school district reexamined the Advance Program, and the Jefferson County Board of Education accepted the revised Gifted and Talented Policies in September of 1994. The result of the reexamination is an Advance Program that continues to stimulate students to do their personal best while operating within a more flexible structure. To assist parents and schools in achieving this goal, the implementation of a Gifted and Talented Student Services Plan (GSSP), initiated during the 2001-02 school year, serves as the communications vehicle between parents and schools. In addition, PD, continuing education opportunities, and resource sites are offered, via this website, to administrative and certified personnel as well as parents to enhance understanding of the needs of the gifted and talented student. At Dixie, students grade 3-5 are given the Cognitive Abilities Test (CoGat) every year. This is multiple-choice assessment that measures reasoning skills with different types of verbal, quantitative, and nonverbal questions. This test allows us to qualify students for a pull out Advance Program class. This class offers students opportunities to learn advanced standards within and beyond their grade level. Dixie’s Advance Program offers differentiation in learning using students learning styles as well as interests.
Advance Program Play
Students wrote, directed, and produced play based on the book Tuck Everlasting and important events in history. Check out the video.
The Men of Quality
The Men of Quality mentoring program has been operating in a number of elementary, middle, and highschools throughout Jefferson County for over 20 years. It has been adopted by the Board of Education as a mentoring system that increases students’ exposure to successful role models. The Theta Omega chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, hope that by partnering with Ms. Carter at Dixie Elementary School, they can begin to help Dixie’s young men set goals, help them realize that the future belongs to those who are prepared, and be a role model who can share their time, resources, and efforts in giving back. Fifth grade males who participate in Dixie’s Men of Quality group mentoring program meet twice monthly with an Omega mentor during which time they engage in various community speakers dialoguing about multiple topics such as manhood, etiquette, problem solving, effective communication, careers, higher education, etc.
Beauty In the Bus
Beauty In the Bus is owned and operated by Brooklyn Collier who has a passion for giving back to her community using her creative talent, experiences, and knowledge. She and Ms. Carter partnered together to offer an awesome group mentoring experience for 5th grade girls of color at Dixie Elementary. The topics presented include positive peer relations, goal setting, conflict resolution, social media etiquette, hygiene, self esteem and confidence just to name a few. By the end of the program the girls will have the tools and confidence needed to be successful in being the best version of themselves.

M2(Man to Man) and W2 (Woman to Woman)
Mentoring Programs
These two mentoring programs cater to the 4th graders of Dixie Elementary. The goal is to match selected 4th graders of color with a community volunteer mentor for consistent interactions to support students’ academic, social, emotional, and life skills needs. Students are matched with a mentor in which they meet one to one once a week throughout the school year. While the mentee and mentor ultimately determine how their time is spent, every mentor dedicates time during each mentoring session focused on THE POWER OF PERSEVERANCE via goal setting with a specific action plan created by the pair.