The 2025-26 Application Period is open until December 20, 2024. Use JCPS School Finder to find your school choices, make your selection(s), and then apply online.
You need to apply if:
Your student has never attended a JCPS school.
Your student is entering kindergarten (children who turn 5 on or before August 1, 2025).
Your student has had a change of address.
Your student is applying for a magnet school, magnet program, or an Academies of Louisville school that is not your resides high school.
Your student is an incoming sixth- or ninth-grader who lives in the Choice Zone.
Transitioning 5th- and 8th-Graders
If your child is already enrolled in the fifth or eighth grade at a JCPS school, they will automatically be enrolled in the middle or high school that serves your address unless you live in the Choice Zone. If you live in the Choice Zone, you must select between your close-to-home or farther-away options on the application portal.
Important: If your child has never attended a JCPS school, you must register online first to get an access key.
Need help applying?
Attend an in-person application assistance event to explore your student's school options and get help completing your application.
Appetizers and Application
Event Flyer
December 7
11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
JCPS Satellite Office—1107 S 17th Street, Louisville, KY 40210
Review School Choices
Review your elementary, middle, and high school choices and learn more about the registration and application process in the JCPS School Choices Guides.