
Welcome, Wolf Pack!

We are so excited for our first ever Echo Trail athletics seasons! I welcome any and all students to "try on" a sport this year, whether it's a brand new experience for them or one that they've done for years.

Jump down below this message and you'll find our Fall, Winter and Spring sports offerings with Head Coach contact information. Also, we are always looking for active involvement from our parents and community, so if you have a passion for an athletic event, please reach out.

Here are a few quick notes to share as we get started.

Before your student athlete can participate in any athletic activity (including practices), they must complete and submit an Echo Trail Athletics Physical Packet ( Packet PDF). Within the PDF, you'll find everything you need to be cleared for sports this school year. Use the cover sheet as a checklist to complete all required forms in order for your student athlete to be eligible to start their desired activity.

The "Parent Permission/Release Form" must be completed and must be taken to get notarized in order to be verified (places to notarize: banks, UPS stores, etc). The sports physical portion of the packet (pgs. 7-9) must be completed and signed by a doctor or certified medical professional to verify the form, stating that your athlete is cleared to participate. Read the instructions on page 10 about the remaining pages of the packet. 

If you do not have a FULLY COMPLETED packet to present to an Echo Trail Coach or Administrator by the start of the first practice, your student athlete will not be allowed to participate until the full packet has been completed and turned in.

Thanks for your attention to this! We Expect greaT things from this Wolf Pack!
Kyle Carden, Athletic Director | Email Kyle Carde
Twitter: @

Kyle Carden

Kyle Carden

Physical Education & Athletic Director

Email Kyle Carden

Forms and Athletic Packets

A close-up view of a black, textured surface.

All athletes must have an up-to-date athletic physical in order to participate in tryouts, practices and competitions.
Athletic Physicals are good for one year from the time of the exam.
Physical copies can be found at the front office of Echo Trail.
Digital copies are below: 

Fall Athletics

Cross Country

A black and white logo of a running shoe with a wing on it.

Jason Walston | email

Field Hockey

hockey sticks and a ball

Kristen Boone | email


Football Ball

Dexter Bowden | email


A golf course with a flag on the pole, three golf balls and a golf club.

Hunter Groves | email


Volleyball ball

Rachael Johnston | email

Spirit Athletics (Year-round)


cheer logo

Jordyn Steadman | email


Dance An artistic black and white logo for the 'Dance Team' featuring acrobatic silhouettes.

Audrey Browning | email

Step Team

Step Team

Winter Athletics


Arch drawing

Rebecca Dorwart | email


Boys Basketball ball

Boys Basketball

Creed Fasoldt | email

Girls Basketball

TBD | Email AD if interested


Swim logo

Caitlin Carter | email

Spring Athletics


basball ball image


Track & Field

Track & Field image


Lacrosse stick and ball

Boys Lacrosse

TBD | Email AD if interested

Girls Lacrosse

TBD | Email AD if interested


soccer ball image

Boys Soccer

TBD | Email AD if interested

Girls Soccer

TBD | Email AD if interested

Flag Football

Flag Football ball

Dexter Bowden | email