Dress code
Dress Code Guidelines
The goal of the Fairdale High School Dress Code Guidelines is to contribute to a school climate tha is conducive to learning. Students are expected to exercise good judgment in their style of dress. The basic guidelines of decency, modesty, good taste, cleanliness, and practicality should prevail. At all times, students should treat school as if it were a place of business and dress accordingly. Articles of clothing that are distracting or disruptive to the educational atmosphere of the school are prohibited.
The administration reserves the right to determine whether or not clothing and/or accessories are disruptive to the educational process or present a safety hazard to our students. These general guidelines are to be followed:
The State Board of Health requires that every student wear shoes to school. Shoes must have a closed toe. No house shoes.
Shorts, skirts, or skorts must be no shorter than 4 inches above the knee. Skin should not be visible through clothing or have any holes 4 inches above the knee. No cut-offs, spandex, leggings, jeggings, yoga pants, boxers, or pajama (or pajama-type) bottoms.
Shirts, blouses, or tops must have sleeves and must meet or overlap the bottom apparel. (No skin can be visible between the bottom of the top apparel and the top of the bottom apparel.) No inappropriately sheer, tight, loose, or low-cut tops that bare or expose the stomach, back, breasts, cleavage, buttocks, or underwear.
Pants or shorts must be worn at or above the top of the students hip bones at all times. No sagging.
No loitering in the stairwells, lobby, and/or hallways.
Clothing that displays references to drugs, alcohol, or other controlled substances; illegal activity; offensive slogans or designs; sexual innuendo; or emulation of gang affiliation will not be permitted.
Any accessories that could be detrimental to the safety of others, such as chains, spikes, or some jewelry, will not be permitted.
Hats, caps, stocking caps, bandannas, beanies, and various other types of head coverings are notto be visible (worn or carried) inside any part of the school buildings by boys or girls after the 7:40 a.m. tone. These items will be confiscated and returned to the student at the end of the trimester.
Electronics (mp3 player, camera, etc.) should not be visible (carried) after the 7:40 a.m. tone.
Tinted glasses are not permitted.
Dress guidelines are reviewed and/or revised annually in March School Climate Committee meetings.