Advance Program
Academically gifted students present a challenge to their teachers and schools. Stimulating talented young people to stretch their abilities requires schools to be creative in providing a range of educational opportunities that promote excellence for each child. The Kentucky Education Reform Act (KERA) of 1990 is based upon this same principle of offering every child an educational program that appropriately promotes academic and creative excellence. In keeping with KERA, administrative regulation 704 KAR 3:285, the "Gifted and Talented Regulation" was amended in 1994 to provide direction to school districts in meeting the needs of their gifted students. In the Jefferson County Public Schools, the Advance Program has long met the needs of academically talented students. However, with the passage of KERA and the amendment of 704 KAR 3:285, our school district reexamined the Advance Program, and the Jefferson County Board of Education accepted the revised Gifted and Talented Policies in September of 1994. The result of the reexamination is an Advance Program that continues to stimulate students to do their personal best while operating within a more flexible structure. To assist parents and schools in achieving this goal, the implementation of a Gifted and Talented Student Services Plan (GSSP), initiated during the 2001-02 school year, serves as the communications vehicle between parents and schools. In addition, PD, continuing education opportunities, and resource sites are offered, via this website, to administrative and certified personnel as well as parents to enhance understanding of the needs of the gifted and talented student.