Athletics & Activities
At Noe, we believe in the development of the ‘whole child’, fostered by after-school and co-curricular activities that provide students with additional opportunities for physical, intellectual, and social development. Our goal is to offer a wide variety of those opportunities through academic competitions, athletics, and clubs. The following is a list of after-school activities with a general description and the sponsor’s name and email contact information. Most activities are offered during a particular time or season of the school year. For any additional questions, you may contact:
Jason Nelson, Athletic Director, (485-8307),; John Gribbins, YSC Coordinator, (313-4511),; or Richard Verwiebe, Academic Coordinator, (485-8307)
Note: Information regarding sign-ups, try-outs, fees, and special requirements are usually displayed on the daily lunchtime announcements and in the weekly Noe Parent Newsletter. It is important that students pay attention to the daily announcements for this information.