About Ramsey Middle School

Ramsey Middle School Highlights

  • Explore Pathways: 
    Ramsey is the first middle school of its kind to offer Explore Pathways aligned to the Academies of Louisville! Our innovative programs support career options, including the following:Robotics and Coding (state- of-the-art VEX Robotics and competition teams)

  • Healthcare Science (e.g., Nursing, CPR, Anatomy, Medical Detectives)

  • Business and Communications (e.g., Digital Media, Graphic Arts, Financial Literacy, Journalism, Yearbook, Film Studies)

  • Service Learning: Empowers students through community-based, interdisciplinary service-learning projects and valuable field trip opportunities

  • Support: Provides embedded enrichment and intervention opportunities during our Student Success Time (SST) period. We also have in-house mental health counselors and a Family Resource Center (FRC).

  • New Facilities: Offers a state-of- the-art, high-tech, environmentally friendly building and campus

  • Sixth-Grade Academy: Locates sixth graders in a separate wing to ease the transition to middle school and provides each student with a team to build community

  • The Arts: Offers an award-winning band, orchestra, choir, and visual arts program

  • Athletics: Hosts a successful athletic program with opportunities for every JCPS middle school sport

  • Extracurriculars: Robotics Club, Drama Club, Academic Team, Cooking Club, Embroidery Club, Harry Potter Club, Creative Writing Club, BSU (Black Student Union), GSTA, and Student Technology Leadership Program (STLP), Student Voice Committee, etc.

school building