Healthcare Science

Content Topics:

Career Exploration, First Aid & Safety, Intro to Body Systems, Intro to Medical Terminology, Anatomy & Physiology, Hygiene, Communicable and Non Communicable Disease, Nutrition, Patient Care,

Pre-Pharmacology, Anatomy, Body Systems,


Ms. Saria

Healthcare Science

Welcome! My name is Ms. Saria and this is my third year at Ramsey Middle School. I am the mother to a beautiful little girl and two German Shepherds. I have a background in Biology from Marshall University and am very passionate about the sciences. I am so excited to Explore through Healthcare Science with you! This year we will be studying many interesting healthcare concepts and skills, while also learning more about ourselves and one another. I am very flexible and willing to help you in any way I can, so please feel free to reach out! Science is a passion of mine and I cannot WAIT to share it with you.


Ms. Berry

Healthcare Science

Hi, my name is Toni Berry and I am a Healthcare Science teacher at Ramsey Middle School. I have been a Registered Nurse for over 30 years. I love nursing and love teaching my patients and their families about assessment, prevention and medical management as it relates to their health. I am excited about the opportunity to teach middle school students about Healthcare. My hope is to encourage each student that they can do and be successful in whatever they choose to do. I attended Northern Kentucky University and obtained a Bachelor Degree in Nursing. I have 3 children. One of my children lives in Paris, France and speaks 3 different languages (he obtained a Bachelor degree in International Affairs), one who is a Registered Nurse -who followed in her mothers footsteps, and one who is at home and still trying to figure out what she wants to do as a career. I am excited to discover the possibilities in healthcare with you!

students in health class

students in health class

students in health class

students in health class

students in health class

students in health class