School-Based Decision Making
As a result of the Kentucky Education Reform Act (KERA), we also have a School-Based Decision Making Council (SBDM) consisting of the principal, five teachers, one classified employee and three parents.
The St. Matthews Elementary School Council shall have the responsibility to set school policy in the areas specified in the Kentucky Education Reform Act (KRS 160.345). This policy shall provide an environment to enhance the student's achievement and to help the school meet its educational goals. This council will comply with all local, state, and federal laws. It will also comply with all JCTA/JCBE negotiated agreements.
St. Matthews Elementary School is a dynamic partnership of students, parents, teachers and the community. We are committed to preparing our children for the future and share the vision of our children reaching their maximum potential. We strive to instill in our children an appreciation and respect for others in a culturally diverse world. We are dedicated to providing learning experiences and an environment which encourages a life-long love of learning in our children.
Scottie Collier
Melissa Jones
Marilyn Marshall
Neha Patel
Alexa Brooks
Beth Reiss
Stephanie Metry
Adeline Thaler
Crystal Fryman Mahoney
Victoria Statler
Stephanie Metry