Family Resource Center
Grace Ortega, MSW
Phone: 313-4561
Monday, Tuesday and alternating Fridays
Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Program Mission
The Family Resource Center (FRC) is a valuable part of the team at Zachary Taylor. The FRC coordinator is dedicated to ensuring that each student has the resources he or she needs for academic success. This is accomplished through providing direct service as well as making referrals to community agencies. Our FRC is committed to building partnerships for effective change with each student, their families, and community members/volunteers.
Prevention and Support Services
School-Based Counseling
Parent/Family Workshops and Events
Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Partnership
Transition Programming (kindergarten and middle school)
Adult Education and General Educational Development (GED) Certificate Information
Prenatal and Birth-to-Three-Years Information
Summer Activity/Camp Information
Parent and Professional Lending Library
Case Management for Attendance Issues
Collaboration With Counselor (small specialty groupings)
Supervision of Spalding University School of Social Work Students
Assist Families With Basic Need Referrals