Types of Accommodations
List of Accommodations
RTE: Read Text in English
VO: Provide Visuals / Organizers
SP: Use Spellcheck
CO: Provide Content Objectives
MC: Meta-Cognitive Strategies
RTP: Read Text in Primary Language
AMT: Adapted Materials/Technology
PL: Link Instruct. to Prior Learning
BK: Build Background Knowledge
SR: Scaffold Responses
PC: Prompting / Cueing
BEG: Bilingual or English Glossary
API: Adapt Pace of Instruction
LO: Provide Language Objectives
IO: Interaction Opportunities
ML: Model Lang/Task Completion
SB: Scribe Responses
ONLS: Oral Native Language Support
SGSF: Small Group/Sing. Form Test
AT: Assistive Technology
CS: Use Computer / Software
BED: Bilingual or English Dictionary
ET: Extended Time
SL: Simplified Language
RDR: Reader
AC: Engage in Acad. Conv.
"A" & "I" in Infinite Campus
The "I" is for instructional accommodations and the "A" is for assessment accommodations. The "I" accommodations are those that should be used during normal classroom instruction while the "A" is used for an assessment in the classroom or state assessments.
PARCC Accommodations for English Language Learners
The universal design of PARCC assessments is expected to increase access for most students through the availability of a range of accessibility features for all students. However, some English learners many need additional accommodations during PARCC assessment administration.
Additionally, English learners with disabilities are entitled to accommodations listed for students with disabilities. The table below provides a comparison of the English Language Learner accommodations available on the DC CAS and the allowable accommodations for English Learners on PARCC assessments.
Click here to access the information about the PARCC Accommodations