Assistant Principal
Greetings Falcon Families,
My name is Mrs. Tillman and I am grateful for the opportunity to serve our families and students. In today's society, more than ever, the adage of "it takes a village to raise a child", remains true. At Foster, we work diligently to uplift each child's academic and behavioral learning. My goal is to strengthen our school’s academic and behavioral structures and systems to meet the intellectual and emotional needs of our students. It is my life's passion to make a difference in our students' educational journey. I will always advocate for our students, motivate our students, and build authentic relationships with our students. With that said, I truly believe that we are partners in education and my work does not exist without YOU. If you ever need anything, please do not hesitate to reach out. Praying for blessings upon you.
With Love,
Mrs. Tillman
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