Health Science Academy

Health Science Academy Pathways
Allied Health (Sports Medicine)
The Allied Health Pathway is a general, introductory, undifferentiated, or joint pathway in health services occupations that prepares individuals for either entry into specialized training pathways or for a variety of concentrations in the allied health area. Includes instruction in the basic sciences, research and clinical procedures, and aspects of the subject matter related to various health occupations.
Course Sequence
Emergency Procedures
Medical Terminology
(DC option)
Body Structures and Functions
Principles of Health Science (DC Option)
Essentials of Sports Medicine
Applied Sports Medicine
Internship in Allied Health
Future Careers
Athletic Trainer
Biomedical Sciences (Project Lead the Way)
The Biomedical Sciences Pathway focuses on the integrative scientific study of biological issues related to health and medicine, or a pathway in one or more of the biomedical sciences that is undifferentiated as to title. Includes instruction in any of the basic medical sciences at the research level; biological science research in biomedical faculties; and general studies encompassing a variety of the biomedical disciplines.
Course Sequence
Principles of Biomedical Sciences
Human Body Systems
Medical Interventions
Biomedical Innovations (capstone course)
Biomedical Sciences (EKG Technician)
Internship: Biomedical Sciences--Pharmacy Technician
Future Careers
Clinical Medical Assisting
The Clinical Medical Assisting Pathway prepares individuals, under the supervision of physicians, to provide medical office administrative services and perform clinical duties including patient intake and care, routine diagnostic and recording procedures, pre-examination and examination assistance, and the administration of medications and first aid. Includes instruction in basic anatomy and physiology; medical terminology; medical law and ethics; patient psychology and communications; medical office procedures; and clinical diagnostic, examination, testing, and treatment procedures.
Course Sequence
Emergency Procedures
Medical Terminology
Principles of Health Science
Body Structures and Functions
Medical Assisting Clinical Procedures
Future Careers
Pharmacy Tech
The Pharmacy Tech Pathway prepares individuals, under the supervision of pharmacists, to prepare medications, provide medications and related assistance to patients, and manage pharmacy clinical and business operations. Includes instruction in medical and pharmaceutical terminology, principles of pharmacology and pharmaceutics, drug identification, pharmacy laboratory procedures, prescription interpretation, patient communication and education, safety procedures, record-keeping, measurement and testing techniques, pharmacy business operations, prescription preparation, logistics and dispensing operations, and applicable standards and regulations.
Course Sequence
Emergency Procedures
Medical Technology
Principles of Health Science
Body Structures and Function
Internship: Pharmacy Technician
Future Careers
Pharmacy Technician
Pre Nursing MNA
This pathway prepares individuals for admission to a professional pathway in Nursing.
Course Sequence
Emergency Procedures
Medical Terminology
Principles of Health Science
Body Structures and Functions
Medicaid Nurse Aide
Nursing Co-op
Internship in Allied Health
Future Careers
In our contemporary 8,000 square feet medical building, we provide high-tech classroom space and an area for hydrotherapy tubs, exercise equipment, EKG lab, telemedicine technology, training dummies, anatomical models, full size hospital beds, and exam tables. This area has an impressive appearance of a contemporary clinic and labs, giving our students opportunities for real-life experience in learning. This is a realistic healthcare environment that enhances our professional career theme courses. In addition to training in this real-world environment, students can participate in job shadowing, mentoring and internships coordinated through local health-care providers.