Multilingual Support

Multilingual Department
The Multilingual Department strives to support Multilingual Learners (MLs) through high-quality resources so they have access and opportunity to succeed in their social and academic settings. We help our teachers and students by providing English Language Development (ELD) instructional support that includes coaching, professional development, programmatic consultation, curriculum, and PLC support.
At Moore our student speak over 30 languages, with the most popular being Spanish, Nepali, Arabic, and Kinyarwanda. We have many bilingual teachers and staff.
Course Sequence
FELD- This course focuses on student's English language development of listening, reading, speaking, and writing at the entering level of language proficiency. Additionally, the focus will be on foundational literacy development, basic survival vocabulary, basic communication skills, and academic content through the English language. This course should address all four language domains (listening, reading, speaking, and writing) and adhere to the WIDA English Language Development (ELD) standards. Prerequisite: None Requirement: ACCESS score between 1.0 and 2.5 AND less than two years in a U.S. school.
ELD- This course focuses on the development of language and communication skills, reading and writing skills, academic concepts and vocabulary. Students will explore a variety of literature genres, learn cognitive academic skills (i.e. strategies for reading comprehension, vocabulary development, test-taking, critical thinking, and research), and develop their writing, grammar, language usage, mechanics, and spelling. Unit themes, essential questions, relevant literature, and extended learning activities help motivate students and increase multicultural awareness and appreciation. This course should address all four language domains (listening, reading, speaking, and writing) and adhere to the WIDA English Language Development (ELD) standards.
Hispanic Student Union
Black Student Union
Cultural Fair
Seal of Biliteracy
ACCESS Attainment