We're proud of our students' creativity. Individual schools host art shows and performances to demonstrate and celebrate students' artistic development. Check the website for individual schools to learn about these events. In addition, we encourage you to enjoy the performances, portfolios, and publications developed by students at some of our arts-focused high schools.
Visual & Performing Arts

Experience the Arts
Experience the Arts
We're proud of our students' creativity. Individual schools host art shows and performances to demonstrate and celebrate students' artistic development. Check the website for individual schools to learn about these events. In addition, we encourage you to enjoy the performances, portfolios, and publications developed by students at some of our arts-focused high schools.
View Online Portfolios and Publications
2016 Scholastic Art Awards Gallery
PRP High Portfolios
Ballard High Portfolios
DuPont Manual High Portfolios
Arts Classes and Clubs
At all grade levels, JCPS schools offer a rich environment for the exploration and development of the art forms of dance, theatre, music, and visual arts. Some individual schools offer visual and performing arts clubs and after-school activities as well. Talk with the staff at your school to get involved in these activities or to start your own club.
In addition, JCPS offers magnet schools and programs in the arts for students of all ages.
Elementary Schools
Lincoln—Performing Arts Magnet
King—Visual and Performing Arts Magnet
Breckinridge-Franklin—Communications Magnet
Price—Visual Arts Magnet
Middle Schools
Noe—Visual and Performing Arts Magnet
Western—Visual and Performing Arts Magnet
Highland—Fine Arts Optional Program
High Schools
PRP—Communication, Media, and the Arts Professional Career Theme
Fern Creek—Communication, Media, and the Arts Professional Career Theme
Ballard—Communication, Media, and the Arts Professional Career Theme
DuPont Manual—Visual Arts Program and Journalism and Communication Program
YPAS—Offers performing arts majors, including Dance, Theatre, Musical Theatre, Design and Production (Technical Theatre), Vocal Music, Instrumental Music (including Band and Orchestra), and Piano