Dear JCPS families, 

As you are making your choices for the 2024-25 school year, we want to provide you with important information regarding transportation. 

At this time, the only transportation JCPS can guarantee for the ‘24-’25 school year is for special education students and students attending their resides school. Every student has a resides school that is determined by which zone you live in. You can see which schools are in your zone by utilizing the JCPS School Finder

The Jefferson County Board of Education (JCBE) will vote on transportation options in early 2024 and, until that decision is finalized, we cannot confirm the availability of transportation services for students attending magnet schools or schools outside of their zone. As a reminder, traditional schools are magnets. We appreciate your understanding and patience during this process.

If your student is accepted into a magnet school or attends a school on transfer out of their zone and can no longer attend due to a change in JCPS-provided transportation, your student will be able to attend a school in their zone. 

The JCPS Application Period is open now through December 22. You can learn more about the process here

Thank you for your continued partnership in fostering a supportive and enriching learning environment for our students. 


Jefferson County Public Schools