Dress Code

Student Dress Code

Farnsley Middle School has adopted a Dress for Success Policy to develop a positive self-image and school climate for students.

Student Dress Code

Farnsley Middle School has adopted a Dress for Success Policy to develop a positive self-image and school climate for students. 

😊Permitted  X Unacceptable


😊 Black, khaki, and navy

😊Leggings only to be worn under skirts/skorts/shorts/jumpers/pants.  

X Leggings cannot be worn on their own.

X No jogging suits, yoga pants, wind-suits or sweatpants

X Skirts/shorts/jumpers must not have slits and should be 2 inches from the top of the knee

X No oversized pants or shorts/no sagging


😊 Polo/Oxford shirts--solid color:  White, powder blue, royal blue, navy, yellow, grey and black. 

😊 Logos must be thumb size or smaller

😊 We encourage shirts to be tucked in to dress for success. 

X  Crop top, muscle, sleeveless or tank tops are not permitted. 


😊 Solid Color:    White, grey, black, yellow, and blue

😊 ½ zip pullovers/sherpa

😊 Logos must be thumb size or smaller

X  No hoodies/ No full zippers

X  No oversized shirts


😊 Shoes must completely cover the toes and heels

😊  Tennis shoes are best options

😊  Shoes must be a matching pair

X  No Crocs


😊  We encourage belts to be worn if clothing has belt loops.

X  No oversized belt buckles

Spirit Wear

😊  Farnsley activity T-shirts and sweatshirts are acceptable/ spirit wear Β½ zip pullover


😊  Purse may be carried but should be smaller than the school -issued iPad. 

😊iPad drawstring backpacks provided by the school can be carried during the school day (no substitutions) 

X  Hats, bandanas, eyeglasses without lenses, or sunglasses must remain in the locker.


😊  Jackets, coats, hoodies, ear warmer headbands, backpacks, etc. are stored in lockers before entering classrooms. 

X Jackets with logos promoting drug or alcohol use or any inappropriate symbol/suggestions are not permitted. 


ONLY Clear Water bottles filled with water ONLY are permitted.

X  Headphones/personal iPads/Kindles/smartwatches/ electronic games, or toys are not permitted (lost/stolen items are not the responsibility of the school).

X  Cellphones--Students electing to bring a cell phone to school must keep the cell phone in their locker, turned off, for the duration of the school day

Disciplinary Actions

  • Students will call home for proper clothes.

  • Mark on Wildcat Card

  • Lunch Detention

  • Administrative Detention

  • In-School Adjustment Program (ISAP)

  • Items may be confiscated.

  • Repeat cases are left to the discretion of the administration. 

Administration reserves the right to regulate any item that distracts from the educational process.