
Fundamental Supply List

  • $10 instructional fee

  • 1 pack wide-rule notebook paper

  • 1 box colored pencils

  • 7 notebooks (2 composition, 5 spiral, any color)

  • 7 two pocket folders (1 each color: red, yellow, blue, green, purple, orange, black)

  • 24 pens/pencils (6 blue pens, 6 black pens/12–#2 pencils)

* Families will only be asked to provide these fundamental items at the beginning of the school year.


At Farnsley, we take attendance and timeliness very seriously! Regular school attendance and punctuality are essential to your child's progress, and we feel that it is difficult for our students to achieve both academically and personally if they are not present for the entire school day. If a student is absent from school, notes should be provided from a parent or doctor within three days of the student's return explaining his or her absence. Excused absences are provided for medical, court, or family emergencies.

School Meals

Great news for you and your students! Farnsley Middle School students are eligible to receive a healthy breakfast and lunch each day at no charge to your household. A la carte items may be purchased by prepay or cash only. Your household will receive an Educational Benefits Form that must be completed every year to qualify your child for fee waivers (e.g., field trips.)

Support Farnsley

Boxtops for Education—We receive 10 cents for each one.

Kroger Community Rewards Program—With the Kroger Community Rewards Program, Farnsley can earn up to $50,000 a quarter, and it costs you nothing! We hope to earn money for six additional laptop carts and other cutting-edge technology/robotics items. Just sign in to your Kroger Plus card account. Our school number is TW969.

Meijer's Program—Please support Farnsley by adding our number to your Meijers card. Farnsley's number is code 860769. Adding our number generates extra funding for Farnsley's programs.

School-Based Decision Making Council

Purpose of the SBDM Council
The School-Based Decision Making (SBDM) Council shall have the responsibility to set school policy in the areas specified by KRS 160.345, which shall provide an environment to enhance student achievement to help the school meet the goals established by the Kentucky Education Reform Act (KERA).

SBDM Parent Representatives
Email Melissa Bruner

Email Richard Roth

SBDM Faculty Representatives
Email Jeffery Byrne JR

Email Ann Cunningham

Email Kendrick Watkins

SBDM Administrative Representative
Email Carolyn B. Smith

YMCA Safe Place

Farnsley Middle school is a YMCA Safe Place. The Safe Place mission is to accept, affirm, and advocate for teens and families in crisis through programs that empower youth to reach their full potential in spirit, mind, and body. Program services include temporary shelter, counseling, and advocacy for teens. For more information, see Ms. Roberts

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