
Family Resource Center (FRC) logo

What is a Family Resource Center (FRC)? 

  • The FRC Program is built with collaboration as it’s foundation. The guiding principle in developing a Family Resource Center is to be community focused. To do this we use collaboration between our parents, school staff and community partners to determine the best way to serve the needs of our students and their families. 

  • The FRC is the connection between the families and the services in the community, by helping families find resources in their community we help families form lifelong skills of self advocacy. 

  • We do not provide direct services but we do help connect families to the services they need. 

  • We work as a team to ensure the services of our students and families are provided to help families overcome any non cognitive barriers to their education. 

Who is our FRC Coordinator?

Coordinator headshot

Rebecca Johns

McFerran Early Childhood Family, Friends and Community Partners,

My name is Rebecca Johns and I am the Family Resource Coordinator at The Bridge at McFerran Early Childhood Center (ECH).  I have worked in Louisville in a variety of social services positions over the last 10 years and I hope that I can use these experiences to continue to grow partnerships with organizations in our community. Our Family Resource Center opened on October 4, 2021 and I look forward to continue building our program into one of the best in the District! As the FRC I serve as the bridge between our families and our community partners and I hope that by helping families build these connections early in their children's lives that our families will feel more confident in advocating for assistance they may need in the future. There should be no shame in asking for help. I hope to help our families and community understand that everyone needs help at some point and when they do the family resource center will be here to help them.

I look forward to working with our students, their families, our staff and community this school year and I am excited to see our program grow.

Rebecca Johns, MSSW

How is a FRC funded?

The FRC in Jefferson County Public Schools receive 86% of their funding from the state and 14% of the funding from Jefferson County Public Schools. Our funding is provided through a grant which allows the state government, JCPS Administration, and the public to have access to view our budget and monitor how the funding is spent. To ensure all funds are appropriately allocated our Advisory Council reviews the budget at every meeting and have to approve any amendments over $100 along with having to approve any expenditures over $500. If you would like to review our current budget and the expenses that have occurred this school year please check our budget tab at the top of the page. 

How can I help our Family Resource Center? 

Our Center welcomes donations from our families, their friends and those in the community to assist us in providing the needed services to our families. 

Donations Accepted Include: 

  • Non perishable food items for food pantry

  • Packaged and unused Hygiene Items  (Soap, shampoo, conditioner, hair products for various ethnicity hair needs, body wash, tooth brushes, tooth paste, hair brushes, combs, toilet paper, etc.)

  • Clean and gently used clothing of all sizes, both uniform and regular clothing (shirts, pants, jackets/ hoodies/ sweaters, hats, gloves/mittens, underwear, shoes, etc)

    • most students at McFerran Early Childhood wear between a 3T and 10/12 however we do try to have infant sizes available in our center for families in need. 

We also would love to have you on our Advisory Council. Please see the FRC Advisory Council tab at the top of this page for more information. 

Our Family is in need of Assistance

If your family is in need of help for one or more of the following areas you can click here to fill out our "Assistance Needed" form or you can call/text the FRC, Rebecca Johns, at 502-977-8214 Monday- Friday 8am-3:30pm or you can send an email to Email Rebecca Johns at any time. 

To request clothing assistance please complete this form: Click Here

Areas we can assist with include but are not limited to: 

  • Food

  • Clothing

  • Utilities

  • Housing

  • GED/ Adult Education

  • Emergency Assistance 

  • Holiday Assistance