Additional Resources

What Does It Mean to Be a Responsible Digital Citizen?

Kids using a computer

Below you will find lessons on how to balance bing online and how to be safe and respectful while connecting with others.

Be A Digital Super Hero

My Online Neighborhood

Rings of Responsibility

What is Cyberbullying?

How to Balance Online and Offline Activities

How do we balance screen time in the age of NTI?

Be a Super Digital Citizen

We all must be responsible while being online. What are some things you and your child can to do be safe, respectful, and responsible?

COVID 19 - What is It and How Do We Cope?


Below you will find some resources on how to explain what Coronavirus is and how do we cope with the changes in our world.

Coronavirus is a Big Word

What is Coronavirus?

Be A Germ-Buster

I Didn't Get to Say Goodbye

Career Awareness - My Future is Bright!

Man using a computer

Below you will find lessons on Career Awareness. Let's reach for the starts!

Career ABC's

Where Do They Work?

What Do They Make?

What Tools Do They Use?

How to Cope With Anxiety and Stress

Anxiety and Stress

Below you will find resources on how to cope with anxiety and stress

Exploring Anxiety in Children

How to Handle Worry and Anxiety

When You Feel Anxious

Stress Stoppers

We All Can Be Happy or Sad. How to Manage Our Emotions

Happy or Sad

Goal Setting


What steps are you taking to achieve your goal? Below are some strategies for helping you reach your goals.

Goal Setting

This Year's Goal Setting

Growth Mindset Selfie

New Years Resolutions

Multicultural Education and Diversity


The students at Fairdale Elementary come from all over the world. Lets celebrate what we have in common and how we are different.

Alike and Different

How Different Are We?


Holidays Around the World

Community Building: How to Be a Good Friend

Community Building

Below you will find activities to help build community in your homes, classrooms, and community.


Are you a Bucket Filler?

Rainbow Fish

What does it mean to be a friend?

Warren's Wellness Wednesday and Mindfulness


Below you will find activities that will help with stress and promote a healthy lifestyle.

10 Minute Stretch

Kids Circuit Workout

Mindful Breathing

Meditations for Better Sleep