Our Parent Teacher Association (PTA) actively supports our students. The cost to join is $5 a person. Everyone (mom, dad, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather, uncle, aunt, friend, etc.), except the student, is eligible to join. We would love for you and your family to join PTA. Our goal is to have every family (100 percent) belong to and support our PTA. The PTA sponsors such activities as Kentucky Kids' Day, the Volunteer Program, Fall Festival, Breakfast With Santa, Skate Nights, Picture Days, Health Screenings, Family Nights, Class Parties, Field Trips, Cultural Events, and Staff Appreciation Day.
PTA Board of Managers
President— Michael Plemmons
Vice President - Brittany McCoy
Vice President of Membership- Samantha Beattie
Secretary— Jerrica Vowels
Treasurer— Mary Catherine Anderson
Volunteers Needed
We welcome all volunteers to help with the education of our students. Please call or visit with any staff member concerning your ideas, talents, and time to help our community of learners. All school committees (work teams) are open for parent and community membership and service. Anyone wanting to volunteer must fill out a School Volunteer Records Check form and turn it in to the office a minimum of two weeks before he or she wishes to volunteer. For additional information and training, call the school at 485-8247.
School Based Decision Making Council
Our SBDM Council is composed of two parents, three teachers, and the principal. The council meets one time monthly to address challenges and improvements needed to assist each and every student in achieving greater success at school. Council meetings are held in the school's library. The meeting dates and times will be advertised in our school calendar and on the marquees outside near the front and side entrances. Everyone is welcome to attend. If you are interested in serving on our SBDM Council or would like to help on one of the committees, please come to a meeting, call and leave a message in the school office (485-8247), or send us an email).
Council Members:
Teachers: Amanda Wooten, Cheryl Mahan, Lisa Taylor
Parents: Tony Sprinkle, Sam Beattie
Administrator: Darren Atkinson